Throw out your television and your phone!

Like most people nowadays, I use my computer for everything; shopping, news & weather updates, banking, research, downloading films & music, watching my favourite television shows, making appointments, running my business, and staying in touch with family and friends on the other side of the world using Skype. So why are you still wasting money on a television, cable or sky, television license, or phone line?

Take a fresh look at how much you're spending on your phone and television and consider if you can get rid of one or both of these items from your house. I have gone more than 5 years without a land-line (I use my mobile phone for quick calls and texts and use Skype for everything else) and 4 years without a television (I can watch films and TV shows online or use my computer to watch DVDs) so it can be done! Give it a shot; plug out your TV and phone for a week and see what happens!

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