Timothy Ferriss

Timothy Ferriss has an exceptional understanding of the human condition and is nothing shy of an expert in the world of business and social networking. A serial entrepreneur and adventurer, Timothy has an impressive list of accomplishments and world records, has written three books (both of which have been number one on the NY Times Best Sellers List) and is an Angel Investor. I don't think anyone's description of him quite does him justice; I have been in awe of him since I first read his blog a few months ago and have quickly become one of his biggest fans, reading both of his books countless times.

His first book, The 4 Hour Work Week, is an informative, step by step, “How To” guide showing you how to escape the 9 to 5, live anywhere, and join the “New Rich”. From starting your own business, to outsourcing your work, to traveling the world, he has something for everyone here! 

The 4 Hour Body was his second success, condensing 10 years of research and countless experiments into this 572 page “bible” for those of us wanting to be thinner, bigger, faster, or stronger...it's all here! His acclaimed blog and websites have additional bonus material not included in the books and well worth the time it takes to read through them.

Most appealing about his character is his down to earth kindness and sincerity that seems to speak to you through his written word, filling you with inspiration and encouragement, daring you to break the rules and follow your dreams.

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